"Hi, I am Pavitra. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and its related content pages as much as I enjoy providing you with the information in it. If you have any questions on decorating and other interior design topics, please drop me an email, I would love to hear from you."


"It was one of life's most wonderful coincidences when I heard about Pavitra through a relative of mine. I thought furnishing an entire new house would be chaotic and a headache to execute, but working with Pavitra made it not only easy as a breeze but exciting as well. Not many designers would take a client's personal taste into consideration when planning a space, luckily I ended up with someone who does. I've met many interior designers but Pavitra's name always comes first to mind when friends or family ask me for a recommendation."

- Maryam

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Get Wallpapered!

Every designer has been faced with the challenge of staying inspired, I face that challenge very frequently.  When all else fails I always go back to mother nature to draw inspiration, it is the one that never lets me down.

Inspired by the lines and organic shapes the topography of our earth creates, I decided to create a map for my daughter’s room. Here is a link to the video. For those of you who do not have the patience or inclination to create such an artwork, today's post is for you.

Wallpapered.com is a company that creates wallpaper out of street maps. They can customize a map for you based on the postcode you provide, in the color and style you prefer. From modern to vintage maps, the options are vast and fascinating. Here below are some beautiful examples of what they have to offer.


 I plan to have a map customized for a real estate office I am designing in Dubai as part of their meeting room, so not only is it a feature but also a point of discussion.  So what are you waiting for…. Stay Unique… Stay Funky!

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Reader Comments (2)

well I'm planning to make some changes in my home and trying to explore some new ideas that makes my home beautiful and inspiring to others.
Liquid Roof Coatings and Repairs

Lovely designer work Thanks for sharing. Liquid Roof Repair

January 7, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLiquid Roof Repair
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